Blue Collar Comedy Rides Again Movie Rating

Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again (2004) Poster

ten /ten

Meliorate than the offset

It is very rare to come across a sequel fifty-fifty ameliorate than it'south predecessor, but this has come up that far. After seeing the first bout Movie, I wasn't sure how I would feel almost this one, only I really loved information technology, and really, who wouldn't.

The actress scenes, similar on the beginning film, they testify the guys on their bout bus, before, and after the show. To know exactly what I mean, you would take to see this motion picture.

Nearly of the jokes on this DVD are new ones, and some are renewed jokes. Ron even so smokes, Larry still prays, Jeff is still Jeff, and Bill is more of a redneck.

I believe......if you liked the showtime movie, you might similar this one right here, even more.

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7 /ten

A Satisfying Sequel

While "Blue Collar One-act Bout Rides Again" isn't as good as the first (few sequels are), it is a satisfying sequel with all the same not bad comedians. Bill Engvall, Ron "Tater Salad" White, Jeff Foxworthy, and Larry "The Cable Guy" return onstage to give some funny redneck laughs and humorous spins on everyday affairs.

This sequel does not contain some of the funny footage you lot become in the first (Larry's visit to Victoria's Secret and the fart auto purchase). If y'all haven't watched "Bluish Collar Comedy Tour", you may want to rent that 1 earlier watching "Blue Collar Comedy Bout Rides Once more". 7/10

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8 /10

Every bit expert as a sequel can exist

I found this sequel to "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" to be a skilful DVD and I yet enjoy watching information technology. I think the original still has a certain edge on it partly because of its extras. The Waffle House scene, the Victoria's Secret stuff and the pimp suits. David Allan Grier was good also.

That said, If you lot liked the first 1, ya gotta git this'un! I have found these guys are at their all-time when the four of them just get together and poke fun. That was the all-time part of the first one as well.

Exercise not permit other people tell you what is or is not funny. I love to laugh at these guys and if the humor isn't always sophisticated (if it e'er is) it is proficient. I laughed and that really was the whole idea. You may have to spotter it a few times to get all of the jokes because you are often laughing so hard that you miss the intro to the side by side joke. To me, that is the mark of a funny testify.

As my married woman likes to say, watching this kind of comedy is my guilty pleasure.

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8 /10

Withal Funny, Only Suffers From Police force Of Diminishing Returns

While watching the original Blue Neckband Comedy Tour, I thought it was ane of the funniest collaborations I had ever seen, thus I speedily ordered this DVD to keep the good times rolling. While "Rides Again" provided its off-white share of laughs, it besides suffered from the law of diminishing returns, to an extent, where the content was still funny but the novelty had worn off a bit. Hither is how each individual comedian measures upwards in the 2nd get-round (in order of appearance):

Bill Engvall: Didn't do near enough to supplement his "everyman"/family man routine from the first testify. Actually was a bit boring at times.

Ron White: In the beginning installment, I kind of considered him to be the "odd man out", just he actually started to win me over this time with his sarcastic and sharp wit. An upgrade over the original.

Jeff Foxworthy: Gives another bully performance, on par with his first effort. Very solid and the laughs keep coming.

Larry the Cablevision Guy: The biggest reason to buy this disc (if you "get" his type of humor). Was hilarious in role one, and keeps that same energy going this time likewise.

Overall, this was still a very funny compilation of humor, only it doesn't quite have the original spark of the first championship, through no fault of its ain. Exist prepared for more than belly laughs!

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I told y'all to await in the Truck!

I did miss the group gatherings that were throughout the first moving-picture show, considering information technology actually allowed usa to encounter where some of the jokes originated and how these friends interact, and honestly, I think it hurt this film. The friendships were at that place, it was obvious, just information technology just didn't come up through the television every bit predominately as the first. Too, they were all trying new material this outing. You could tell, because the comfort level was a scrap off. Information technology was as if they were wondering to themselves if the joke would work, or if people were applauding because of who they were non what they were saying. Mayhap this second film was rushed due to the overwhelming popularity of the original, but information technology wasn't the aforementioned.

One keen observation that can be fabricated about this second motion picture was the audience seemed to exist whiter neckband than redneck. Half the fun of the original was seeing the audience reacting and laughing at the people that merely looked similar these comedians were taking a moment of their life and speaking it on stage. While that may seem mean and morbid, I found that it worked well with the comedians. A chip of irony if you don't mind, here we have comedians making fun of the people that are laughing at them. What a foreign, continuously circling world nosotros live in. In this moving-picture show, the audience seemed more glamorized and you could tell that they were laughing at the people, non so much the jokes. This can been seen because Foxworthy didn't do any of his patented "redneck" jokes, it was every bit if he modified the joke into the "married/gay" routine just for this audition … as well equally what I was saying nigh new cloth.

Overall, I thought that this was a decent outing, just not quite containing the aforementioned insanity as the first. I especially did non enjoy the fact that information technology concluded in a very similar style every bit the showtime. I merely thought that originality and creativity were forgotten near just to capitalize even so again on the popularity of the original. I wouldn't mind seeing these guys in concert live, just it may make me hesitate for a moment to consider renting another ane of their films. I, sigh, cannot wait to see more of Larry the Cable Guy and with him doing a voice in the next Pixar film Cars, I know that he is going to be the breakout star of the unabridged endeavor. If y'all liked the first picture, I don't think it would be unwise to come across this picture show, simply be prepared for not as much hilarity as the kickoff provided.

Grade: *** out of *****

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5 /ten

So-So at best

My Brother-In-Police played the original "Blue Collar One-act Bout" DVD for me a few months ago. I had never laughed that hard for that long. We purchased the show and have watched it numerous times since and then, standing to enjoy the humour. I had never heard of Ron White earlier, only he stole the show. When I saw that the "Rides Once again" DVD would be bachelor the beginning of Dec, we preordered information technology. We received it yesterday and watched it last night. Although the show has some neat moments, information technology was a minor disappointment. Pecker is a very funny guy but his stories seemed a little drawn out this fourth dimension. Jeff has the ability to make nigh annihilation funny, and although his bit was good, it wasn't anywhere near as funny as the first DVD. Larry (who has a peachy act) merely didn't seem to be "on" with almost of his jokes (timing was off or something). My biggest disappointment was with Ron. He merely didn't seem to intendance and his jokes were very disjointed. This DVD is worth owning but don't look it to hold up confronting the starting time 1. If the first release is a "ten" (which it is), this one is a "five".

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vii /10

Rednecks with a good sense of sense of humor.

Blue Collar One-act Bout shows that rednecks likewise have a proficient sense of humor. There aren't much of them but Bill Engvall, Ron White, Jeff Foxworthy, and Larry the Cable Guy are certainly one of the exceptions. Everybody has his favorite but I'm sure Larry the Cable Guy is the nigh likable to most people, he'southward for sure my favorite. Ron White brings his sarcasm whilst smoking his cigar and drinking his scoithc, the usual stuff merely information technology'southward always expert. Jeff Foxworthy is also 1 of my favorite rednecks. Beak Engvall is to me the weakest link even though he's good enough to make this show an entertaining show. The four comedians touring together, it's unlike than the usual stand-upwardly comedy, simply it works well, every bit you get dissimilar kinds of sense of humor in i evening, but information technology'south mostly redneck stuff and that can be funny too.

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7 /10

If yous expected this to win an Oscar...y'all might exist a redneck

Maybe information technology'south the fact it's straight to DVD, maybe it's the fact this ane doesn't take the skits, but for any reason Bluish Collar Comedy Tour Rides Once again is not as funny as the original film. Information technology isn't loathsome, but and then over again, it isn't gut busting funny. The first ane wasn't. But I laughed oftentimes. At least once every v minutes. Now it'south down to a chuckle and a smile.

This time Engvall and White are warming the crowd upwardly before Foxworthy and Larry. Engvall is funny and true, White is the same, not hilarious but gets a skillful grinning at present and so, Foxworthy is the highlight, and Larry is himself. At the cease of the picture show they all get together on phase, similar the previous film. This time they all perform a "song" called I Believe, that's Yo Believo for y'all Spanish folk.

For some reason, I didn't laugh as much as I wanted to. I still believe Ron White isn't as funny as some say. Maybe information technology's personal preference, but he is not too great. Sure I do express mirth a couple of times just he pales in comparing to people like Engvall and Foxworthy. Perchance information technology's because Engvall and Foxworthy make more of an effort to go into realistic situations where Ron White rambles on some bar he went to. Or mayhap it's all an act.

Ron White as well is the ane member of The Blue Collar Comedy gang that didn't return to Blueish Neckband TV and doesn't accompany Engvall, Foxworthy, and Larry on their current tours. Why I don't know. But the grouping isn't missing much.

Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again packs in enough cute moments for a minor recommendation. Only it however doesn't live up to what I had hoped. I have high hopes for One for the Road, the final comedy special by The Blue Neckband gang because it's their last special under that name. Plus I've seen Pecker Engvall's scene on at that place and information technology gets me excited to see what comes out of it. Hopefully it's a tiny fleck more enjoyable than this.

Starring: Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White. Directed by: C.B. Harding.

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7 /10

Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again but this fourth dimension information technology was only 2 who shine

Blue Collar One-act Tour Rides Again reunited Ron White, Nib Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy and Larry The Cablevision Guy

Similar in the kickoff film the guys come to the stage taking turns with telling jokes to get the crowd laughing.

The start motion-picture show was a hit and it was but wise to brand a sequel and that's what nosotros got.

However I found that this picture show the two main guys who got me to laugh the about were Ron White and Bill Engvall they really brought information technology domicile with their stand off one-act and I was simply rolling with laughing, Jeff Foxworthy did skilful as well and he did become me to express joy Larry The Cable Guy information technology'due south astonishing how this guy even got a job to brainstorm with as a stand upwardly comic because his jokes barely go anyone to laugh because they are pretty much disgusting which I don't desire to hear when I mind to jokes it just actually ruined the enjoyment of watching this film.

Thankfully with the DVD I just watch Bill and Ron because they are the true victors in this pic with the crowd

Simply if you're a fan yous might want to give it a shot considering there are some classic jokes here

I requite Blue Collar One-act Bout Rides Again an 7 out of 10

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five /10

Kinda Disappointed

Warning: Spoilers

Well, to be quite frank, I was rather excited to lookout man this comedy. I was soon discouraged when the first few minutes went by.

For anyone who has followed any of the guys they will soon realize that their skits are nearly the same as the the kickoff tour. Then the guys came out with their own DVD'south. So I also rented those. Much to my dismay, the were as well the same.

Don't get me wrong though. It is extremely funny, and the guys work bang-up together, only, the material is starting to wearable.

Ron White is certainly the funniest of them all. His DVD is very funny.

When I saw the Blue Neckband tour for the first fourth dimension I nearly peed myself. I thought it was awesome. Then I saw the individuals separately, still funny. The second tour, just a picayune repetitive.

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one /ten

Rides again rides into muck

Alert: Spoilers

We actually enjoyed the offset Bluish Collar One-act Tour, it was funny without being offensive. I was very much offended by this 2nd offering. In fact, by the time Larry the Cable Guy was five minutes into his start, I was finished. We brainstorm with all the boys on the double-decker, and some 12 year old bath humor. Then nosotros're taken to the phase and the long slide downhill begins.

I'thousand not sure why the guys all decided to employ raunchy sex equally the linchpin for their comedy this time around, but information technology was bad. Probably virtually offensive was Ron 'spud salad' White. I know beingness 'drunkard' is suppose to a part of his act, but I'm not certain it was an deed...whatever, his 'jokes' were in bad taste and not actually funny. Really, how long tin can you talk about canis familiaris poop? Or his 'riding' his wife? Neb Ingvall is usually on top of his game talking about his family, non this fourth dimension. Again, nosotros cease upwardly with too much information on his sexual problems. We did get a few 'here'due south your sign' comments, but some were refried.

I was very disappointed start to finish, and ashamed that I had chosen my 85 year sometime mom to make sure she watched it. Thankfully, she had tuned out, every bit put off equally I was. So, if you're into rough sense of humour, drunken bores, and stupidity, and so this is the one to watch. On the other mitt, if you expect to see a repeat of the first Blueish Collar, don't watch this. Put the original in again, enjoy that.

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9 /ten

Information technology is the good erstwhile blue collar one-act tour, it has to be great!

Well What I can say is that it is the good old blue neckband one-act guys. They are the all-time comedy gang ever. Given that this DVD is non every bit corking as the first ane. But ane has to understand that these guys have been in this gig for such a long time that now, in that location is not a unmarried subject that they have not touched. The stand up up routing starts with Bill Englvall, beingness him cocky and pitching the most hilarious jokes about his family, and his signature "hither'southward your sign"s. Then he is followed by Jeff Foxworthy, doing the best jokes about red necks. So being followed by Ron white, he could have been amend in this stand up up, he has not come up upwards with many new jokes, most of the jokes used take been published in his earlier works, but it is still quite funny. And so the show is brightened by Larry the cable guy and his rough sense of humour. And the prove is ended with the best part of the entire DVD. All four comedians sit and "talk" need not to say it is quite funny every bit well. So in general the DVD is very nice, information technology would take been a perfect 10 if Ron white would have come up with some fresher jokes.

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