Im Sorry Your Sad Wanna Flush the Dog Down the Toilet Again Meme Cats

Season 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 8 | Master

That '70s Bear witness (1998–2006) is an American boob tube sitcom centered on the lives of a group of teenagers living in the fictional boondocks of Point Place, Wisconsin during the late 1970s.

The Kids Are Alright [] [edit]

[Eric lies in Donna's bed]
Eric: So... cold... Can't... use the Force...

Kitty: Eric, we accept to proceed your father calm — so no shenanigans.
Eric: Oh, Mom, I oasis't shenaniganned in six years. I've hooliganned, I've no-good-nicked, I've ne'er-do-welled. Just yesterday I constitute myself rabble-rousing.
Cherry: Will you close upwardly!

Join Together [half dozen.2] [edit]

Jackie: I wish someone would rub lotion on my shoulders. [to Hyde] Think they're getting a little crimson.
Hyde: Yeah, you should exist careful. Looks like you're starting to scab.
Kelso: OH! That'southward a burn about a fire, that'southward a 2nd-degree burn.

[Red joins Hyde in the basement. Hyde is watching a football game game and drinking soda]
Red: Hey Steven. Where's your beer?
Hyde: What? Me, beer?
Cherry: Kitty threw away all my beer, the Packers are down by eleven, you're xviii, I know you have beer, then where's your beer? [Hyde removes the outer part of the soda can, revealing beer.] I don't want used beer.
Hyde: Well I might have a couple of fresh ones in the shower. [Cherry-red opens the drapery to reveal about fifteen cases of beer] Yes I'm running depression, I should probably hit the store. [Red takes a six pack and sits down to sentry the game with Hyde.]

Magic Bus [6.iii] [edit]

[Jackie and Hyde are making out on Donna's bed]
Jackie: Steven, I am then glad we are back together. I thought I lost my pudding popular forever.
Hyde: Yous wanna hear something ill? I actually missed you calling me pudding pop. [They go along making out and Donna and Eric come up in]
Donna: How many times have I told you guys not to make out on my bed? Yous guys are like cats; y'all don't even heed. [sprays Jackie and Hyde with h2o]
Jackie: Y'all're leaving tonight so technically this isn't your bed anymore. Likewise I just tin't keep my hands off my puddin' pop.
Donna and Eric: Puddin' Pop?
Hyde: Is that supposed to exist me? I never heard that proper noun before in my life.
[In the circle]
Fez: Nosotros should recall about getting her something else. What do you think Puddin' pop?
Hyde: Why does everyone keep callin' me that? My name'due south not Puddin' popular! I never heard that name before in my life! Forman's dead.
Jackie: Hey, you guys retrieve that's funny you should hear what Steven calls me. He calls me his- [Hyde shoves a piece of cake in her face up] Hey! Oh hey, that's some adept cake!

The Acid Queen [6.4] [edit]

[after Kelso tries in vain to convince the others he had sex activity with Brooke, she comes to the basement]
Brooke: Michael, I need to talk to y'all.
Kelso: Yeah? About what?
Brooke: About our night together at the Molly Hatchet concert.
Kelso: Excuse me.
[to Fez]
Kelso: Burn!
[to Donna]
Kelso: Burn!
[to Eric]
Kelso: Burn!
[to Hyde and Jackie]
Kelso: Fire!
[Kelso runs upstairs to the kitchen]
Kelso: [to Kitty] Burn down!
[to Carmine]
Kelso: Burn!
[Kelso runs dorsum downstairs]
Kelso: [To everyone calmly] Fire. Nosotros totally did information technology!
Brooke: Michael, I just plant out I'grand pregnant.
Kelso: [defensively] I never touched her!

I'one thousand Complimentary [6.5] [edit]

Jackie: Laverne is so annoying. Why does Shirley put up with her crap?
Kelso: She has to. They're in love.
Donna: Again, Kelso, Laverne and Shirley are non lesbians.
Kelso: Trust me, they're ane canteen of wine abroad from making out, just like yous two.

Crimson: [referring to Fez's impending questioning by the INS] And I guess it might be fun to just sit down back and watch Tarzan here crumble before the full strength of the U.Southward Authorities.
Fez: Okay, that's information technology. Anwar I tin deal with. Tonto, in the ballpark, simply Tarzan... Tarzan is a white guy!
Red: Don't sass me, Tarzan.

Nosotros're Not Gonna Take It [half-dozen.6] [edit]

Fez: Laurie: well, wait who the whore dragged in, herself. May I remind y'all yous're married?
Laurie: Oh, that'due south okay. The guy from last night was married, too.
[Red and Kitty walk in from the kitchen]
Fez: What is your problem?
Red: Oh, are you 2 at it again? Your green card is on the mode. [to Kitty] I thought this matrimony was over.
Kitty: Laurie, I gave you fifty dollars last calendar week to get down to the courthouse and file for divorce. What happened?
Laurie: Well, I had to get a new makeup mirror and some wine.
Cerise: Tomorrow we're going to the courthouse. [Red and Kitty walk away.]
Fez: Hmmmm, the courthouse is beyond town. I wonder if you tin make it all the way there without sleeping with someone?
Laurie: I bet I can make it in that location without sleeping with you. [Laurie walks away.]
Fez: Bowwow.

Christmas [half dozen.7] [edit]

[Two girls approach Eric]
Random Girl #ane: Oh, my God, Eric Forman! I love your shirt.
Eric: Really? I wore this shirt for four years and no one said a thing.
Random Girl #2: I estimate at present you really fill it out!
Eric: Thanks. I'g, like, up to 17 push button-ups a dark, so..
Random Girl #ii: No, I don't retrieve that'south information technology. I retrieve it's considering you're non a high school boy any more than.
Random Girl #1: You're 18 now; you've seen and done it all.
Eric: No, no, I... Well, yep, yes, I have! [Kelso pulls Eric away.]
Kelso: You better sentinel out, okay? Girls are talking to yous. I recall there might exist a applied joke in the works.
Eric: No, man, I don't remember so. I think information technology's considering I graduated. Hyde, am I cool now?
Hyde: Well, y'all're cool like margarine is butter... close, simply there's a little aftertaste.

Donna: Okay, we're back, and uh, if my young man'due south listening, you're tardily and I'm a little worried you're trapped in a snowdrift or something. So, dearest, if you're common cold, I'chiliad with you, baby. Okay, and then let'southward take some requests, hello, you're on the air.
Daughter at Dance: Hi, I'd like to dedicate He'southward the Greatest Dancer by Sister Sledge to Eric Forman, the coolest guy at the Christmas trip the light fantastic.
Donna: What? He's nevertheless at the dance?
Daughter at Trip the light fantastic: Sorry, I take to become. He's telling usa about his gunkhole.
Donna: That sneaky bastard. Uh, that sneaky bastard Santa Claus is on his style with a non-finish cake of classic Christmas tunes, and remember, you're listening to WFPP with me, Hot Donna. [sizzling sound] You hear that, Eric Forman? That's not bacon, that's your ass when I go a hold of you.

I'g A Boy [half dozen.8] [edit]

Jackie: Hey, peradventure a good style to interruption the water ice is for everyone to tell a little almost themselves. I'll go first... I similar makeup and diets. And Steven here likes black things and throwing stuff at drinking glass.
Brooke: Okay, well, I was valedictorian of my class, I run marathons and tutor kids in Latin.
Kelso: Well, I egged the valedictorian of my class, a marathon runner — oh, and some kids that took Latin.
Hyde: This is fun.
Brooke: And so how practice you lot all know each other?
Jackie: Well, Michael and I dated for, like, three years.
Hyde: And then I stole her from him.
Brooke: Wait — what?
Kelso: Nah, nah, yous never could have stole her if I didn't cheat on her first.
Brooke: Okay. Wait a minute.
Kelso: It, uh... that sounds a lot worse than what it is. I simply cheated on her with Eric's sister, and the rest of the girls were when we were on a break because I annoyed her. But none of those were sisters except the ii that were sisters.
Hyde: He brought up the sisters. Awesome.
Brooke: Okay, this was a mistake. I think I'1000 going to become.
Kelso: No, Brooke, wait... I've been with a lot of chicks, a lot... a lot... a lot.
Jackie: That'due south not helping.
Kelso: Await, but let me start over... Nosotros might not be the perfect lucifer, okay, but I really, actually like yous. I call up perchance us having this baby together is, like, fate.
Brooke: Michael, fate is when two people meet on a railroad train or in Paris, non in the bathroom at a Molly Hatchet concert. [gets up and leaves.]
Kelso: Fate. Man, never use a give-and-take in a fight if you lot don't really actually know what it ways.

Cherry: [equally Fez comes into the room and sits down] Nonetheless not speaking to me, huh?
Fez: [puts his book down, annoyed] Fine, I'll speak. I spend all mean solar day running your baldheaded, grumpy ass around boondocks- And do I get a thanks?! No. Because you're unpleasant!
Red: ...You wanna know why I'yard unpleasant? I only had a heart assault- and now I take to be driven effectually similar a useless dope, by the idiot that married my daughter and gave me the eye attack in the first place! [stands up, Fez jumps dorsum] But I am likewise unpleasant because I simply spent the entire day cooped up in the car, breathing that mustard gas y'all call "cologne!" Merely mostly I'g unpleasant, considering that's how information technology works in this family!
Fez: [gets choked upwardly]...I'1000 family?
Red: ...Ah, crap! [leaves]

Fellow Dejection [6.nine] [edit]

Reddish: Get under the sink and loosen that disposal so we can get to the pipes.
Eric: Nether in that location?'southward all spidery.
Crimson: Get under at that place or you're gonna go a spider the size of my pes in your donkey!
Eric: I just realized something. After all the years of me helping yous fix stuff, you lot finally have to hold a flashlight for me. Lower, dumbass! [laughs]

Eric: [after fixing the lawnmower] Mom, Dad, come quick. I fixed information technology. I fixed it! [Reddish and Kitty come out of the firm to see what Eric did.] It was like God had control over my easily. Permit me, allow me showtime it for you.
Ruby-red: Eric, don't. I've seen you employ a wrench. If you went lefty-loosey instead of righty-tighty, we could all dice. Let me just put this in the garage.
Eric: Wait, simply Dad...
Kitty: No, no, honey, honey, your begetter's right, it's not rubber. We'll let Bob offset it later.
Red: [later on opening upwardly the garage door and finding a police car there, looks at Eric] WHAT DID YOU DO?!? WHY, WHY, WHY, IS Information technology ALWAYS MY HOUSE!
Hyde: Practice yous actually want to know or do you want to only keep yelling?
Red: I WANT TO KEEP YELLING!! I don't intendance whose fault it is, just go that thing out of here, now.
Kelso: Yes sir. [Kelso goes into the auto]
Red: All right, everybody, show'due south over. Let's become in the house.
Eric: But Dad, the lawnmower. I fixed the lawnmower, You've got to encounter. [Sees Kelso backing up and nigh to hit the lawnmower] KELSO Await! [Kelso destroys the lawnmower]
Hyde: Hey wait Fez, just like your frog.
[Fez looks especially upset]
Red: Ah, well. Information technology was broken anyhow.
Eric: No, It wasn't. I stock-still information technology. Mom you believe me, don't you.
Kitty: Of course I practice, honey. I believe that you believed you fixed it.

A Legal Affair [6.10] [edit]

[Eric, Hyde, and Kelso have a Circle while raiding the police academy's primary part]
Eric: These samples are mode better than our samples. Did you see how quickly I sniffed them out? I could and then exist a police dog!
Kelso: [wear domestic dog training collar] Absurd, training collar. Y'all know, I still don't get how they remember I could be a stooge. I am so on top of everything! What does this affair do? [presses button and gets shocked] AAH!
Hyde: Give me that, Kelso, yous're gonna hurt yourself.

[Red is teaching American history to Fez so he can pass the INS greencard test]
Blood-red: What was President Dwight D. Eisenhower's greatest achievement?
Fez: He led the Allies to victory in World War II and sent those jack-booted Nazi bastards home to cry in their sauerkraut.
Red: I didn't understand a word you said, but I heard "Nazi bastards" and that'due south skilful plenty for me.

I Can See For Miles [6.11] [edit]

[The gang is hanging out in Hyde's room]
Jackie: Why are you guys all in Steven's room?
Fez: Well, Hyde was here so I came in because I am non comfortable enough with myself to be alone.
Jackie: Yeah, but information technology'due south all greyness like a prison prison cell. Gray is why prisoners are unhappy.
Hyde: Really, I e'er idea it was the loss of liberty ...... and the uninvited man love.

[Eric laments about accidentally seeing Kelso'due south van plunge from Mt Hump]
Eric: Man, poor Kelso's van. When it finally landed, it didn't so much crash, it simply completely separated into basic elements and only returned to nature.
Donna: So sad, there were Tootsie Rolls everywhere.

Sally Simpson [6.12] [edit]

[Kelso introduces a fellow cadet to the gang]
Kelso: Hey, guys. This is my co-cadet at the police force academy, Suzy Simpson. Simpson, these are my friends. Take a expert look, 'cause y'all'll probably be arresting some of them in the future.
Suzy Simpson: You're right. This one [points to Hyde] looks like the guy in the "What Drugs Can Practice To You" filmstrip.
Hyde: You lot're a cop, huh. Y'all kinda looked like a cop. You look kinda giggly.
Kelso: Look, alright. Simpson needed to become me a ride home 'crusade I sprayed myself with mace to meet what it would feel similar.
Eric: Hey, and then Suzy, which Charlie's Angels is your favorite? The brainy i? The sporty one? Or the ane that just tin can't find a bra? Mine'due south the i that just can't observe a bra.
Suzy: Charlie's Angels are an embarrassment to the badge. No existent cop would last a day dressed like those sluts.
Jackie: Hey, those sluts are my heroes.
Kelso: Hey, thanks for giving me a ride, Simpson.
Suzy: We support our own.
Kelso and Suzy: Point! Place! Police! Court! Freeze! Said Freeze!

[Red and Eric are trying role-playing to assistance lower Red'south stress.]
Cerise: [imitating Eric] I'm just a skinny, smart-mouthed kid who ever has something to say about everything!
Eric: [imitating Cherry-red] And I wish I was an octopus, and then I could put eight feet in viii unlike asses! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Red: [imitating Eric] Star Wars Star Wars, Star Wars!
Eric: [imitating Red] Dead Commies, expressionless Commies, dead Commies!

Won't Become Fooled Over again [6.xiii] [edit]

[Fez is absent from the Circle after Kelso and Fez accept a falling out.]
Eric: Even so no Fez, huh? Wow, Kelso, you must take really pissed him off. He hasn't been away this long since he discovered bubble baths.

[Eric wants Kitty's aid afterward Donna might exist pregnant. Donna worries that Eric will be too obvious about who is significant.]
Eric: Donna, I recall I know how to be subtle. [Scene modify] MOMMY, MOMMY, DONNA MIGHT Exist PREGNANT!

Baby Don't You Practice It [half dozen.14] [edit]

[explaining how the police academy got assail burn down]
Kelso: It totally wasn't my mistake! I I got there early on to practise with my flare gun considering I wanted to prove Brooke an actual "B" for a change.
Fez: Okay, so far 0 percent your error.
Kelso: Then accidentally shot off a flare and information technology went [whistling audio] right under the bleachers.
Hyde: Well, now we've jumped to virtually sixty percentage your error.
Kelso: Kay, and so then I shot off another flare at the first flare because y'all know what they say, you gotta "fight fire with fire."
Jackie: Yep, this is now, like, 99 percent your mistake.
Kelso: So, and so I shot another flare into the air to warn people about the fire and that i just went right on the roof, so I simply got the hell out of there.

[Eric and Donna visit the marriage counselor, Pastor Dan]
Pastor Dan: Okay, what did you want to tell me?
Eric: Well, you encounter, Pastor Dan, when nosotros were hither before and you had asked us well-nigh premarital sex, we might take...We lied, okay? We have had sex zillions of times. I used to try to keep runway on a pad, only it got unwieldy. Oh, God.
Donna: Eric!
Eric: Well, I'g sorry, Donna, but we are knocking on hell's door, and I ain't goin' in!
Pastor Dan: Eric, you're not going to hell. Merely you lot might be. I don't know you that well. I just remember you're depriving yourselves of that wonderful moment when marriage is cemented by giving the souvenir of yourselves.
Donna: Wow. I never thought almost it that way.
Pastor Dan: Maybe that'south why yous couldn't figure out the whole excitement near marriage. The one thing you should have been looking forward to, you lot had already experienced. Maybe yous knew that without realizing it.
Eric: Um...I don't mean to bring up Star Wars once again. [Donna just looks exasperated] This is a lot like Luke before he discovered the Strength.
Pastor Dan: Exactly. And what is the Strength in real life? [Eric gasps and points upward at ceiling]

Who Are Y'all [6.xv] [edit]

[Kitty is trying to convince Bob non to engagement Pam]
Kitty: Bob, this is clearly upsetting Donna. How tin you date her?
Red: Aye! How tin you date her?
Kitty: [Glares at Red] What does that hateful?
Red: What?
Kitty: You emphasized "her" like there'southward something special about "her".
Red: [stammering a chip] I just said what you said. Simply yous must've missed it because I was on my mode outside to mow the lawn. [heads exterior]

[Donna just told Kitty about her and Jackie discovering Bob and Pam in a hot tub]
Kitty: Bob and Pam are in a hot tub?
Red: [overhears and enters kitchen] Pam'southward in a hot tub?
Kitty: There, y'all did it over again, and this time you lot didn't even say "Bob"!
Reddish: Yes I did.
Kitty: No you didn't.
Red: Aye I did...and you would have heard it too if information technology hadn't been for all that damn tea! You lot know, I- I fought a war to keep that crap out of this state, and you had to bring it into my house, and you call yourself an American! Ha! [leaves kitchen]

Man With Money [6.16] [edit]

[Hyde, Eric, and Kelso are jealous of Bob dating Pam]
Hyde: I never idea I'd say this, but I wish I was Bob.
Eric: I wonder if she'd like to watch The Graduate with me sometime?
Kelso: One time, back when I was dating Jackie, I saw Pam washing her automobile. She leaned over and squeezed out the sponge...that's all I retrieve as I rode my bike straight into a tree.

[Kitty is exasperated that Cherry-red is eating lasagna for lunch and his center monitor does not sound the alert despite the high cholesterol]
Kitty: I hateful, what does information technology take to get that beeper going?
Pam: [walks in with Bob] How-do-you-do, Scarlet. [Red's heart monitor beeps]
Red: Wow, that must be the lasagna kicking in!

Happy Jack [half-dozen.17] [edit]

[Hyde and Fez visit Kelso at the police university. Officer Kennedy sees the trio]
Officer Kennedy: Cadet Mike.
Kelso: Officer Kennedy, you know my friends Hyde and Fez.
Kennedy: Yeah, I recall. But it seems to me their names were Problem and Maker.
Hyde: Trouble and Maker. That's clever.
Fez: I call up it'south funny. They put us together, and we're troublemakers.
Kennedy: Shut up. I hope these two delinquents don't interfere with the progress you've been making hither, Mike.
Kelso: No, sir. Not at all, sir.
Kennedy: Well, nosotros'll see. I'll accept my centre on you...on all of yous.
Kelso: He'due south a skillful man.
Hyde: All right, y'all're really starting to creep me out. Assistance me catch the beer out of the car. I'm gonna drinkable until that moustache turns into a caterpillar and crawls away.

[Red and Kitty talk to Eric over his masturbation]
Kitty: When you were a babe, you had your hands down your pants all the time. Merely that'southward okay, because it's natural. Red, tell him it's natural.
Blood-red: What are you, an animal?
Kitty: Just why wouldn't you lock the door?
Red: How could he lock the door when he's in there pawing himself like an animate being?
Kitty: You know, some people get fond and can't even hold down a job!
Red: If you can't get someone to do information technology for you, you lot practice without. In Korea I went for ii and a half years.
Eric: Dad, yous were there for three. [Kitty looks at Red]
Ruddy: What are yous, an brute?

Exercise You Remember It's Alright [half-dozen.18] [edit]

[Fez catches Red reading a romantic novel]
Fez: And so yous similar those books too, Mr. Red?
Red: Alright fine, so you know. But you tell one person, and so help me God, I will chop down whatsoever tree you live in!

[Everyone plays Truth or Dare confronting each other in pairs; Donna is with Eric, Kelso is with Fez, and Hyde is with Jackie, leaving Mitch by himself]
Donna: Okay, Kelso: truth or dare.
Kelso: Uh...truth.
Donna: Accept you ever snuck into my bathroom while I was showering?
Kelso: ...I mean, dare.
Fez: You have snuck in at that place! I was there and I saw you! ...I hateful, dare.
Jackie: Okay, Steven: truth or cartel? The truth will be whether or non you dear me, and the cartel will be...telling me that you love me!
Hyde: Okay. [sighs] Pass.
Mitch: Okay, Mitch: truth or dare? Um, I pick dare, Mitch. Okay, Mitch. I dare you to osculation Donna. [gasps at himself] Mitch! Naughty Mitch!
Donna: Mitch, y'all goofball. That's non how that works. You lot have to be, similar, "I dare y'all to buss me."
Mitch: Okay.
[Mitch gets up and kisses Donna in front end of Eric]
Kelso: Oh, he did information technology!
Fez: Look at him become! He's like a hummingbird!

Substitute [6.nineteen] [edit]

Mitch: Aw, Forman. I should've known it was you guys. About people that come here can't hit the ball that hard on the account that they're in kindergarten.
Eric: Mitch! Congratulations. This seems similar the perfect job for someone your size what with the complimentary lodging in the castle on pigsty six.
Mitch: Yeah, there'due south just plenty room in there for me and your mom.
Kelso: Aye, the sweetest burns involve doing information technology with your mom.

Kitty: [belongings a Darth Vader action figure] Eric, were you playing in the bathtub with your footling doll?
Eric: ACTION FIGURE! [looks at the activity figure] Oh, no.
Hyde: In the tub, Forman? It'south getting really hard to be your friend. [leaves the breakfast table with Kelso]

Squeezebox [half dozen.twenty] [edit]

[Kelso pretends to interrogate Eric]
Kelso: All right, Mr. Forman, if that is indeed your real name, what did y'all practice on the twenty-four hours of yesterday?
Eric: You'll never get it out of me, copper. I'g no rat!
[Kelso takes Eric's Ten-Wing model and smashes it confronting the table]
Kelso: Oh, merely relax, Eric. I'm but doing adept cop, bad cop. That was the bad cop, but he'due south gone now. See, now skillful cop is here to take intendance of you. Hey, how you doin', buddy? It's a real shame about what happened to your model. Why don't yous tell me what you did yesterday?
Eric: I came home from the eating house, and spent vi hours building that model!
Mitch: Uh, excuse me. I'one thousand sorry to interrupt, just what virtually your run into at the store with the girl who sells slurpees?
Kelso and Donna: What?
Mitch: Yeah, you remember. She asked why you never telephone call her anymore. Yous were like...
Kelso: Ooh.
Donna: Expect. Is that the daughter from the movies?
Kelso: Donna, I'grand asking the question here. Was that the girl from the movies?
Donna: What happened to, "I barely know her?"
Kelso: What happened to, "I barely know her?"
Donna: Why were you calling her, Eric?
Kelso: Why were you calling her, Eric?
Eric: Kelso, will you shut up?!
Kelso: Oh, yeah, it's getting hot in here, isn't information technology?!
Eric: [pushes Kelso's face away] Look, Donna maybe I kinda know her. Mayhap we kinda went out a couple times when yous were dating Kelso'southward brother.
Jackie: Look. You got other girls besides Donna to get out with yous? What is this obsession with the underdog?
Donna: So the other day at the movies you lied to me?
Kelso: Donna, I'one thousand the senior officer hither. So the other day at the movies you lied to me.
Eric: No! You know, I was the movies, you know. Information technology's...information technology's all brand-believe.
Donna: Okay, you know what? Don't bother coming over this evening. My sexual tension has been replaced with another familiar emotion: acrimony at your scrawny ass!
Eric: No!
Mitch: YES!
Jackie: Well, good job, Michael. You solved one crime and prevented an even bigger i: Donna having sex with Eric.
Kelso: [to Eric] You accept the correct to remain BUUURRRRRNNN!

[Kelso and Hyde make fun of Eric and Donna making up]
Eric: You lot know, I never stopped loving you.
Donna: Eric [she and Eric kiss].
Kelso: Hyde, I never stopped loving you, either [takes Hyde's hand in his].
Hyde: Don't. I promised myself I wouldn't weep!
Fez: You guys ameliorate be kidding, or I'g gonna be super pissed!

5:15 [6.21] [edit]

Mitch: [afterwards he challenges Eric to a fight] All right! v:15 at the playground — you be there!
Donna: Why not only do it at 5:00?
Mitch: I have swimming lessons!

[Ruby-red faces Hyde in the basement over him tapping to the cable Tv]
Red: What the hell's the matter with you? Stealing my cable!!
Hyde: Reddish, before y'all blow your stack, why don't y'all accept a wait at the carwash girl? She is and so sudsy.
Scarlet: You drilled a pigsty in my floor. My pes is about to drill a hole in your ass!
Hyde: Red, the carwash girls have to make 500 dollars, or their super-freaky love nest is gonna turn into a bookstore.
Red: Look there's simply i clicker, and it'southward upstairs. My cable, my channel! [walks support]

Sparks [6.22] [edit]

[Hyde, Kelso and Fez are on elevation of Mt.Hump. Kelso is sitting in a canoe.]
Hyde: Hey, and then, uh, how practice yous plan on steering this thing on land?
Kelso: [holds up paddle] Duh.
Fez: Kelso, I think you should vesture a helmet just in case annihilation goes wrong.
Kelso: Fez, I'm riding an open canoe down a rocky mountain side. What could perchance become wrong?
Hyde: I think I'g with Fez on this helmet matter.
Kelso: Ah, no, I'm non falling for that 1.
Hyde: Falling for what?
Kelso: The sometime helmet gag.
Hyde: Kelso, I just want you to protect your head from existence crushed like a berry.
Kelso: Aye, yous'd like that, wouldn't you?... At present let go of the ropes and lookout me fly!
Hyde and Fez: One, 2, three [let go of rope. The canoe does not move.]
Kelso: Woohoo!... Woohoo!... Ah, human being! [tries pushing off with the paddle, stands up, gets out of canoe and throws away paddle] Stupid thing! [Canoe takes off down hill] Oh! Oh, man, that could take been me!

[Hyde, Kelso and Fez do another endeavor at canoe riding.]
Kelso: Nosotros'll become a running outset. And and so, I'll jump in and zoom down the hill like the bobsledders exercise.
Fez: And then, because this is a canoe on dirt and gravel instead of a bobsled on ice, bad things are gonna happen to you.
Kelso: This is why I'g a legend, Fez.
Hyde: Alright, Kelso. [picks up the Stupid Helmet] This time you're wearing a helmet.
Kelso: Thanks, Hyde, but I call back I'grand not gonna put on a helmet with a bunch of worms and stuff crammed within.
Hyde: It's not a prank!
Kelso: Well, now it'southward not, 'cause I didn't fall for it!
Hyde: It finally happened. I've go the boy who cried helmet.
Kelso: OK, on three. ...Go! [Kelso, Hyde and Fez beginning pushing the canoe downhill; Kelso lets go and runs downhill] WOOHOO! [Kelso jumps; thud] Holy crap! Did you run across me bounce off of that tree?!

My Wife [6.23] [edit]

Going Mobile [6.24] [edit]

Eric: Guys... I accept to tell you about this dream I had.
Kelso: No. Eric, I can't hear another i of your lame dreams. "Guys, I dreamt I was purple and I could fly and Luke Skywalker was my lab partner."
Eric: No. It was about Donna. Okay, it was 5 years in the future.
Hyde: Five years in the future? Did y'all meet Jackie? How'southward she holdin' up? Do I need to go out at present?
Eric: Hyde, in my dream, Donna gave up her life plans to be with me. And she was then miserable, she left me.
Hyde: That'due south information technology? I took my feet off the table and turned slightly to the left for that?
Eric: Look, you guys, what if I really am belongings Donna back.. and she just doesn't realize information technology yet? I experience like I could be ruining both of our lives.
Kelso: Eric, relax, okay? Information technology's merely a stress dream, 'cause y'all're gettin' married tomorrow. Now I had a dream terminal nighttime that's worth telling. Okay, Donna was in a wet t-shirt contest [begins to visualize scene but stops information technology] No, I tin't. Forget it. It's too muddied.
Hyde: So who's gonna be your best homo?
Eric: Oh, yous know what? Why don't you lot guys just decide who my all-time man is?
Hyde: Whoa, you desire us to choose? Well, if that's non an invitation to dress a dog up in a tuxedo, I don't know what it is.
Kelso: All correct. If anyone should be the best man, it'due south me. I'm gonna exist a father, so I really need the coin.
Hyde: You don't get paid to exist the best homo. Yous do it for the satisfaction of nailing the hottest bridesmaid. It's in the Bible.
Kelso: Well, I can't do that, 'cause I'grand bringin' Brooke. Yeah, we're getting pretty serious. Girls, man... you get 'em pregnant, they get all clingy.

[The gang, the Formans and Bob are in the Forman living room after Eric failed to arrive at the wedding ceremony rehearsal. Hyde answers a phone call.]
Hyde: Hello... Yeah, nosotros kinda figured... Uh-huh ... Well, do you wanna talk to her? She sittin' right here... Okay [hangs upwards] Wrong number.
Donna: Hyde, what did he say?
Hyde: He said he's really distressing.
Donna: He's distressing? He left me the twenty-four hour period before our wedding, and he's deplorable? What.. what does that mean?
Hyde: It means he's non coming. Not tonight, not to the wedding. He's gone.
Kelso: Man, I am glad to be here. I take had a rough day. Being around all this love and happiness oughtta cheer me right up. I mean, this is a happy day. Look at all the love. Wait, hey, where'southward Eric?

The Seeker [vi.25] [edit]

[Hyde is in the hospital afterwards falling off the water tower while with Donna]
Fez: You look dorky.
Donna: Hyde, I am so pitiful. I don't know my own strength. I mean, I judge I'1000 nonetheless all bulked upward from J.Five. Wrestling. You lot know what? This isn't my fault. This is Eric'southward fault for taking off.
Fez: Hey, wait at the brilliant side. Now I can spy on you from Eric's empty bedroom instead of climbing up a tree where there's no identify to put my juice box.
Kelso: Man, I can't believe I missed you falling out of the water tower. Then I'g at domicile, and I'm watching Scooby-Doo, and I call up to myself: "Y'all know what? You should become and hang out with Hyde and Donna." And and so I think, "No, because maybe Scooby and Shaggy plant a existent ghost this fourth dimension." But it wasn't. It was simply some other crazy erstwhile guy.
Jackie: [enters room] Oh, Steven, I heard what happened.
Hyde: And yous brought me flowers?
Jackie: No, these are for me. My fellow fell off the water tower. So what, Donna, y'all're lonely, and you want me to exist lone, too?
Kitty: Okay, Steven, get on domicile. I'll take intendance of you later on. Merchandise y'all a kiss for a lollipop.
Hyde: I don't need that baby crap [he waits till the guys are out of the room, turns back and gives Kitty a osculation]

[Midge returns]
Donna: Mom, I can't tell you how much it ways to me that you're here.
Midge: Well, there are times when a mother has to be there for her baby, similar now and, I gauge, when she's built-in.
Kelso: Yous know, Mrs. Pinciotti, in my younger days, I had quite the crush on you fifty-fifty though I knew nothing could ever happen. Simply now that I'yard older, and I'm gonna be a male parent soon, if anything does happen, we gotta keep it serenity.
Jackie: [enters room] Steven, you're late. Where.. Midge! Hey.. what a surprise. Huh. I should probably return these earrings I didn't know were yours.
Bob: [walks in with Pam] Midge, what are y'all doing here?
Midge: I came to see Donna. Who'south the amazon?
Bob: Oh, this is my, uh, friend.
Pam: "Friend"? I don't think and then. Hi, I'yard Pam, the best thing that e'er happened to him.
Midge: I'1000 Midge, the second best thing that e'er happened to him.
Donna: Dad, I invited her to stay with us.
Jackie: Your mom is staying with us?
Donna: No, your mom is staying with usa.
Jackie: What about my mom?
Donna: Well, that's not my mom, that's your mom.
Bob: I'grand dislocated. Who am I sleeping with?

External links [edit]



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