Trophies for Sitting the Bench Funny

Despite What You May Call back, My NFL Career Was A Success

Just Give Me The Damn Bays

Opponents of participation trophies don't just believe the awards foster a faux notion of success; they also believe they cultivate entitled, egotistical people.

"Young people these days but don't work as difficult."

That's a direct quote from a good friend of mine, who, and I'm being serious, is 30-years one-time. In one case I reminded him of this unimpeachable fact he rebuffed, "It'southward but different. My priorities are unlike." My friend is an employer, who was eschewing the piece of work ethic of an employee. Irony even so, my friend's point seems to be consensus.

There is a globe of contradictions to the notion that Millennials don't piece of work as hard as previous generations. I'chiliad a Millennial, I'm also a talk show host and Plan Director for ESPN radio in San Antonio, and this stance, or surrogate for an accented truth is simply one of many of life'south perpetual patterns.

My friend and his employee are the same age, only reached different levels in the workforce because of the same relenting principles of success.

Every generation looks to the subsequent generation with antipathy. It's a natural machination. My grandparent's generation couldn't fathom the music my father'southward generation listened to, or the clothes they chose to wear.

The collective generational experience differs because humanity evolves. The more than nosotros acquire about the world, the more our guild grows and changes.

In the 50'south Deport Bryant expected his Junction Boys to practice for 10 plus hours in farthermost heat without water. This technique, now more akin to torture, was purported to create the best, well-nigh powerful football game players. But practicing through triple digit temperatures without water does non equate to mettle, it'due south pure stupidity. The evolution of modern medicine has given way to athletes that are bigger, faster and stronger than they've ever been.

Recently HBO Real Sports aired an episode, which eluded to the growth stunting nature of our modern "Everybody Gets a Trophy Society." The premise is adequately simple: If every kid receives a trophy so they are growing upward with a false sense of success, and fifty-fifty worse a false sense of how to attain success.

Pittsburgh Steelers Linebacker James Harrison concurred with the HBO Real Sports premise. He put upward a photograph of participation trophies: "Everything in life should be earned," posted Harrison on Instagram "I'1000 not about to raise two boys to exist men past making them believe that they are entitled to something just considering they tried their best…cause sometimes your best is non enough, and that should drive you to want to do better…non cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u upwards and keep you happy. #harrisonfamilyvalues"

A true pioneer for parenting that James Harrison. Perhaps Harrison would be better served not assuasive participation trophies to raise his kids.

Participation trophies don't create a fake sense of success. Nosotros are all inherently biased by the ways in which we accomplished our own success. Our lives are an aggregating of the experiences nosotros've faced, then our view of success is shaped by those experiences.

The Real Sports segment ended that children who grow up in this environment are doomed to fail. They will be ill prepared to enter the real world where there are clear winners and losers.

Nosotros are all skewed by our own life experiences. The absolute truth of success is rooted in hard work and preparation and those traits are not stunted by participation trophies. Instead, they are reinforced through external stimuli.

According to the Pew Research Study 1 in three "Older Millennials" [currently aged 26–33] have a four-year college degree or more, making them the most educated young adults in American history. Because there are now more opportunities to go to college, there is more than competition in the job market. In previous generations a college degree was sufficient to ensure long term employment. The Pew Research Study indicated Millennials, the generation hypothesized to be virtually affected by participation trophies, have college levels of educatee loan debt, poverty and unemployment.

I graduated higher in 2007. This was one of the worst times in American history to be entering the workforce. The housing bubble was bursting, and as a result America was steeped in a horrendous recession.

An entire generation of graduates entered the marketplace with a shortage of jobs and a deep pool of viable candidates.

Evolution changes the game, but Social Darwinism ensures that the rules remain the same. Life will e'er be a sink or swim proposition. Participation Trophies cannot alter that. Parents and administrators tin can't always command the environment to ensure inclusion and success. Our society is equipped with meritocratic governance, an omnipresent counterbalance to the perceived negative byproduct of participation trophies.

Despite hard circumstances from external forces, Millennials were able to build the foundation for their professional lives at the worst possible time. If participation trophies skewed the manner Millennials view contest then entering the workforce during The Slap-up Recession would accept undone an entire generation of American workers.

I received participation trophies throughout my childhood. They meant naught. Winning and losing is not measured by trophies. Competition unveils the truth.

Opponents of participation trophies don't merely believe this mentality fosters a false notion of success; there is also a conventionalities that it cultivates entitled, egotistical people.

The truth is egotism is non generational. Accept the Lake Wobegon Consequence for instance. Named for the fictional town in A Prairie Dwelling house Companion, The Lake Wobegon Effect is the human predisposition of illusory superiority. In the mid seventy'southward researchers conducted a survey fastened to every Saturday examination. These students were asked to rate themselves relative to the median of the sample on a number of vague positive characteristics. In ratings of leadership, lxx% of the students put themselves above the median. In ability to get on well with others, 85% put themselves above the median; 25% rated themselves in the top one%. How is it possible that high school seniors in the lxx's, kids that grew up in a world where they received trophies simply for winning, all had an overinflated sense of self-worth?

We currently live in the near egotistical time in the world'south history. We post photos of our new car on Facebook, vacations on Instagram and hare-brained thoughts on twitter. Jail cell phones assist an egotistical society. Nosotros all text, post, and answer calls during job interviews, presentations and meetings. This is non a product of participation trophies nor is information technology generational. We live in a globe of synthetic happiness. Sensory experiences are now an exercise of the commonage. We can't just be happy and content with our world; we must share this happiness with everyone else.

Watch people at restaurants. You'll notice gobs of people, all seated at the same table inhibiting a earth that does not physically exist. I waited tables for years, and noticed people of all ages seated with one another without exchanging a give-and-take. Nosotros have more ways of communication at present than ever before and we are worse communicators.

The scientific method tasks united states of america with observing and investigating. The Real Sports segment on participation trophies worked backwards.

Evolution demands that only the strongest survive. Every unmarried living organism today has survived despite enormous odds based on this simplest premise. Human being beings are too perceptive, too scientific by nature to be skewed also harshly in any one direction from any 1 life experience. Over time we accrue plenty experiences to shape our lives.

Anytime, we Millennials will be old, sitting on our porch, or retirement habitation, or something exquisitely more futuristic, with the exact same contempt for modernistic music, mode and behavior. Alas, the world turns.


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